
平均年齢Average age

全体平均45歳Total average: 45years old

  • 最年少:21歳Youngest: 21 years old
  • 最年長:75歳Oldest: 75yearsold

自分の働ける時間で働けるということ。The common belief is that "everyone has a place where they can shine." At Negibito Co.,Ltd. our working hours are flexible, allowing you to work during the times that suit you best.

自由な勤務時間Flexible working hours

当社では、正社員・アルバイトを随時募集しております。 Our company is continuously recruiting for both full-time, and part-time, positions.
We do not discriminate based on age, gender, educational background, or nationality.

【正社員】Full-Time Position

農業を本気やりたい方、大歓迎です。 We warmly welcome anyone who is genuinely passionate about pursuing a career in agriculture.

【アルバイト】Part-Time Job

短期間のみでの応募、1日3〜4時間のみ働けるなどでもお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 We strive to accommodate your available working hours as much as possible. Feel free to apply even if you are only available for a short period or available to work for 3 to 4 hours a day. Please don't hesitate to contact us.

一人一人が活躍出来る環境An environment where everyone can thrive

ねぎの生産でも”葱を掘る”という体力を使う仕事から、ねぎを”袋に詰める”という簡単な仕事までありますので、安心して働いて頂けます We strive to create an environment where everyone has an opportunity to thrive, regardless of their personality, age, or strength.
Tasks are planned ergonomically to ensure that everyone can work safely and comfortably. For example, there are physically demanding tasks such as "harvesting the onions", as well as simpler tasks like "packing the onions into bags."

各種保険Insurance and benefits

社会保険・雇用保険・労災保険各種完備 Social insurance, Employment insurance, Worker‘s compensation insurance is completely equipped